Coinciding with the release Army of Two: The 40th Day, this ongoing monthly series, written by comics veteran Peter Milligan (X-Statix, Greek Street), follows ex-Army Rangers Salem and Rios as they form their own Private Military Corporation: Trans World Operations. But the pair get more than they bargained for as they are unexpectedly caught in a brewing war between the Mexican Army, drug cartels, and The Maras-one of the most powerful street gangs in Mexico!
ACROSS THE BORDER: Part 2: Trans World Operations' first mission is off to a bad start. With one operative dead, Salem and Rios find themselves in the middle of what looks like a civil war. Now, with trust eroding between them, Rios and Salem have to put their lives on the line as they're drawn deeper into the violent world of a murderous Mexican street gang known as the Maras.
ACROSS THE BORDER: Part 3: Tyson Rios and Elliot Salem have been framed for smuggling cocaine. These tough soldiers might have faced just about every danger in the world-but will it prepare them for the hell that waits in the Mexican Jail, where they must fight for their lives against corrupt guards as well as the sadistic criminals locked in with them? Meanwhile, Jaime tightens his bloodthirsty grip on the local underworld.
Stockholm Syndrome and Mexican Mayhem, as Jaime's bid for power over the Maras reaches its most murderous. Meanwhile, Rios is a marked man after killing Borges, the leader of the prison gang. Can Salem rescue Rios before the prisoners exact revenge? Or has being in prison changed Rios into a gangster?
Escaped prisoners on the run, Rios and Salem are hell-bent on getting back to America. After their chopper goes down in the Mexican desert, the Army of Two are on foot. With a price on their heads and their faces plastered across television everyone in Mexico wants them dead! Meanwhile, Jaime's lust for power has reached the upper levels of the Mexican government and may ignite a civil war!
Jaime's rise from street kid to leader of the Maras street gang to power over the political machine in Mexico is complete! As terror and murder grips the streets, Jaime calls for the death of the two men who could possibly stop him: Rios and Salem! But this Army of Two won't go down without a fight, and in a final bloody confrontation will Rios and Salem be able to stop Jaime before Mexico is torn apart?
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