A black satirical comedy if only it wasn't true. In the sweltering summer of 1963, at the height of Cold War paranoia, CIA agent Robert "Bob" Maheu is sent to Cuba on a suicide mission aptly titled Operation Good Times: to humiliate Fidel Castro during a live television broadcast by dosing the dictator with LSD and making his beard fall out. But Bob bears the permanent scars of the MKULTRA program, a dark secret in the untold history of the United States' clandestine services. Overseeing Bob's mission back home is Dr. Gottlieb, the mad mastermind behind the MK-Ultra program which tried to turn Americans like Bob into remote-controlled killing machines. But as the devious doctor discovers, Bob's humanity and his red-white-&-blue birthright to freedom and individuality remain just beneath the surface of his sock-puppet skin. This is the (mostly) true story of how one agency's epic failure set the United States on a collision course with paranoia and peace. "Jason Ciaccia's tale of LSD-crazed assassins would seem ridiculously hypernplic if it weren't derived from the CIA's own files...Aaron Norhanian's ferivd ink drawings propel this witty hybrid of underground comix and the History Channel right of the top." - R.C. Baker, The Village Voice.
Special Agent Bob struggles with mind control issues as he is prepared to head to Cuba on his covert CIA mission. The mad scientist, Dr. Gottlieb, recounts the multiple attempts to kill Fidel Castro. Is he the luckiest man alive or just the recipient of bungled assassination attempts by the CIA. "I'm kinda loving it. It's like Ralph Steadman meets MAD meets Michael Moore, with footnotes! ...it's going straight into the collection."- Karen Green - Curator, Butler Library, Columbia University
Fidel Castro’s lover makes a deal in America to kill Castro but follows it up with a mistake in Cuba before she can complete her task. JFK approves project MK-ULTRA and opens the door for the CIA to begin their mind alternating experiments. Speical Agent Bob makes it into Cuba and manages to break into Castro’s headquarters!
CIA Special Agent Bob comes face-to-face with Fidel Castro! Will he be able finally rid the CIA of their most wanted kill target? While back home, the mad scientist, Dr. Gottlieb encounters trouble with the lab equipment that was used to brainwash Special Agent Bob and conduct other CIA sanctioned mind-altering experiments.
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