Donnerstag, 17. Mai 2018


Most people take drugs to escape reality. Neverboy, a former imaginary friend, does the opposite. He’s found a loophole that allows him to stay in the real world. As long as he stays medicated, everything’s perfect. But when the drugs wear off and reality fades, the forces that guard the borders between the real and the imaginary will be ready to drag him back to where he belongs.

Artists thrive on inspiration, but what happens when it dries up? Julian Drag, a former artist turned cabdriver, has lost his muse and hasn’t created anything but depression in years. Just when he’s ready to throw in the towel, a desperate Neverboy comes crashing into his life. The two lost souls realize they may be able to help each other, but at what cost?

It’s time for Neverboy to come clean, at least with his wife. He has the drugs to get his family back, but can he convince Rachel to stay after she discovers the truth? Julian Drag gets a taste of what lies beyond reality. Unfortunately, a single glimpse into another world might not satisfy a man on the brink. Secrets are revealed and doors opened as the rabbit hole widens...

Julian Drag has his first art show in years, thanks to some inspiration he found at the elusive Odyssey Diner. The show opens to rave reviews, but like any addict, Julian needs more, which leads to dire consequences. Down and out since his wife left him, Neverboy runs across someone from his past that will force him to see things as they really are, not how he wishes them to be.

Julian Drag’s addiction to fame is destroying the world of imagination. The only one who can stop him is Neverboy, but he must first accept his place in reality and do the hardest thing he’s ever done: say goodbye.

Julian Drag has his first art show in years, thanks to some inspiration he found at the elusive Odyssey Diner. The show opens to rave reviews, but like any addict, Julian needs more, which leads to dire consequences. Down and out since his wife left him, Neverboy runs across someone from his past that will force him to see things as they really are, not how he wishes them to be. 

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