Montag, 21. Mai 2018

After Eden

They are alone on an uninhabited planet with no survival skills. Supernatural forces torment their every move. Their relationship has been destroyed. They are Adam and Eve, and the fate of the human race not only depends on them surviving, but falling.

Without survival skills, Adam and Eve face starvation, the elements, and wild animals outside of the Garden of Eden. To make matters worse, demons add further torment. Can their guardian angels help save them and the future of mankind?

After being violently separated by a flash flood, Adam and Eve each find themselves alone on the Earth for the first time. As they try to make their way back to each other, demons tormenting them find the perfect opportunity to strike.

As Adam races to save Eve, she finds herself in the middle of a supernatural battle between demons and angels. But will the guardian angels forget their mission to protect mankind as they finally get a long awaited rematch against the fallen angel Satan?

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