Donnerstag, 17. Mai 2018


Scott Travers's special suit lets him move through our world unseen and untouchable within a shadowy parallel dimensionbut he doesn't know how the suit works or where it came from. With his benefactor missing and unfriendlies after his Blackout gear, Scott must find answers before the answers find him!

"Scott Travers's mysterious suit grants him unseen, unlimited access to almost anywhere and may hold the key to his benefactor's disappearance. But others will do anythingincluding killto possess the suit. Will Scott give up the search and ditch the suit to save his own skin?

The search for Scott Travers's missing benefactor has turned up nothing but mystery and even more trouble. And this time he's up against eight-foot-tall, cheetah-fast, bulldozer-strong, plasma-cannon-wielding, made-of-metal trouble. Good thing there are only three of them... for now!

The dimension-jumping Blackout suit is a powerful weaponexcept when it doesn't work! And if you're Scott Travers and don't know how the suit functions and are facing off against enemies wearing ultrapowerful combat armor, the Blackout suit is just extra weight_dead_ weight!

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