Samstag, 12. Mai 2018


You've made your way through high school and moved out of your parents' house. You're finally ready to get a job, pick a major, and meet the girl of your dreams. You've got it all figured out... right? Right?!
Meet freshman Greg Willis, NYC newbie from the rural Midwest hoping to realize his dream of becoming a big-city super hero. But will the realities of city life, college and saving the day prove to be too much for him? Let Sean McKeever and Mike Norton, the creative team responsible for the acclaimed Indie drama, The Waiting Place, introduce to you the next great Marvel hero!

So, you've moved to the city, settled in and enjoyed your first victory against a notorious super villain. Now what's a freshly-minted super hero to do? Why, you find yourself a seasoned veteran to show you the ropes and offer sage advice. Hey, be sure to ask him for some pointers on how to lie to your friends about all those bruises and disappearing acts, okay?

Gravity versus Black Death: Round Two! This is Greg's chance to prove to the super-hero community he has what it takes to be one of them. But has he bitten off more than he can chew? Find out in the latest installment of Marvel's newest super hero saga!

After everything that's happened, Greg decides to stop being Gravity. But just when he thinks he's out of the super-hero business for good, he gets sucked back in. Boy, does he EVER get sucked back in!

Gravity's exciting conclusion!

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