Dienstag, 29. Mai 2018

Rise of the Black Flame

The bizarre origin of the BPRD’s greatest foe. Young girls are going missing from the cities of Siam, and the trail leads to the jungle hideout of a bloodthirsty cult wielding an ancient evil power, the Cult of the Black Flame. Christopher Mitten joins the Mignolaverse!

The bizarre origin of the B.P.R.D.s greatest foe Rumors of the Black Flame cult practicing human sacrifice lead downriver and deep into the jungle, while the groups guide is plagued by dreams of a dark goddess.

In an ancient temple lost deep in the jungle, the heroes find proof of the rumored human sacrifices and answers about the Cult of the Black Flame.

A narrow escape from hooded attackers slows the team on their mission to stop a cult's human sacrifice, while their strange guide's dark visions become more urgent but no less mysterious.

The heroes’ search finally ends at the temple of the Black Flame cult, but they don’t arrive in time to stop what they find there.

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