In the futuristic city of Delphi, a young digital-forensics investigator named Seneca finds himself embroiled in the bizarre murders of three church acolytes. Guided by his cryptic mentor, the Ruler named Hermes, Seneca uncovers a stunning conspiracy and a mystery that will turn his entire world upside down. From writer PAUL JENKINS (Inhumans, Wolverine: Origin) and artist HENDRY PRASETYA (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) comes a unique vision of a digital future powered by mythological gods.
As Seneca investigates an attack by the church on the digital alter-realm known as the Stream, his world is turned upside down by the emergence of the resistance—a group sworn to oppose the sinister Rulers and all they stand for. And when tragedy strikes, Seneca is forced to enter the wiretapped world of the Fates, who use predictive analytics to foresee his ultimate fate!
Confronted on one side by revolutionaries and coerced into service by the Rulers on the other—Seneca walks the digital city of Delphi in search of clues. But when the leads dry up, he is forced into visiting the one place he had sworn he would never return to: the Church of the Trinity, the very place he is investigating. There is no one to trust. There is nowhere to escape. There is nothing for him but the upheaval of all he has ever known.
It’s the moment of truth. After his confrontation with the revolutionaries, Seneca is getting rebuilt by the Rulers in a desperate measure to find the missing God, Trinity. He is now more powerful and closer to Trinity than ever, but it also costs him more than he’s willing to pay.
Seneca awakens into his new existence as an augmented human, only to find it is a life of pain and mental anguish. He has lost everything he once held dear, his nerve endings are on fire, and perhaps he has become a puppet of the Gods. But salvation beckons in the form of the nagging voice inside his head that leads him ever closer to finding the Trinity. He will have to go to the catacombs beneath the city in order to find an answer to the greatest secret of all Mankind.
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