Dienstag, 22. Mai 2018

Lake of Fire

 It is 1220 AD, and the gears of the Albigensian Crusade grind on. When an alien spacecraft infested with a horde of bloodthirsty predators crash-lands in the remote wilderness of the French Pyrenees, a small band of crusaders and a Cathar heretic are all that stand between God's Kingdom and Hell on Earth.

After their deadly first encounter with the alien threat, the surviving crusaders and heretics look for safety behind the walls of Montaillou, but as night falls, can they hold together long enough to face the devils outside their gates, or will fear and prejudice tear them apart from within?

The small band of surviving crusaders and heretics struggles to come to grips with the alien menace that has cursed the land. A decision must be made— do they try to run, or are they compelled by their faith to track the devils and take the fight to them, even if that means marching through the very gates of Hell itself?

The crusaders take the battle to the alien demons and bring war to Hell itself in this, the terrifying and action- packed penultimate chapter of LAKE OF FIRE.

Crusaders and heretics stand together in a battle for salvation and survival against demonic visitors from beyond the stars in this, the terrifying and devastating finale of LAKE OF FIRE.

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