Montag, 28. Mai 2018


The epic story of Borderlands continues in part one of the new series, where fans find out what happens after Roland, Mordecai, Lilith, and Brick step out of Marcus's bus. As soon as they arrive in the once-prosperous town of Fyrestone, they realize that Pandora is a far more dangerous planet than they first imagined. The Vault Hunters will go up against a ruthless bandit known as "Nine Toes," but will they be able to overcome him?

The adventure continues in part two of Borderlands: The Fall of Fyrestone! The Vault Hunters know that saving Fyrestone means a confrontation with Nine Toes. To succeed they'll need to enlist the help of a reclusive, quirky blind man. Fan favorite TK Baha makes his comic debut! The action heats up and things get complicated for our heroes in the continuation of this four-part story! Claptrap and TK Baha in the same issue? It's almost too much awesome to handle!

It's time to meet Nine Toes in part three of "The Fall of Fyrestone!" Roland, Lilith, Mordecai, and Brick are armed to the teeth and ready for the fight of their lives. People are gonna die! Lots of 'em! Innocent people are GOING TO DIE in this issue of BORDERLANDS.

The hit comic based on the hit video game continues! Outgunned and outmanned, Roland, Lilith, Mordecai, and Brick will use everything at their disposal to save the city of Fyrestone. But like all battles, what will the cost of victory be? Sit tight for a shocker of a finale in the last issue of this arc.

The Vault Hunters have narrowly escaped Nine Toes and find themselves lost and unable to find the fabled "Vault." Enter Patricia Tannis--a brilliant scientist who's struggling to cling to reality... and who is the Hunters' only hope of reaching the Vault. But can they trust her? Return to Pandora in this all-new, action-packed arc!

After finding the Dying Vault Scrolls, the group looks to Tannis to try and make sense of them. But the only way for Tannis to do that is to dive back into the most painful parts of her time on Pandora -- the times that drove her from her sanity!

Now that they've deciphered how to find The Vault, Lilith, Roland, Brick, and Mordecai must set out on their journey to gather the tools necessary to open it. But will they even want to?

Far outside of town, the Vault Hunter receive a last-minute warning from Tannis that a dangerous warlord is on their tail and he's out for blood! In the exciting conclusion of Tannis and the Vault, Lilith, Mordecai, Roland, and Brick will face their toughest challenge yet.

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