Following a great resource war on Earth, a group of disillusioned human colonists seek refuge on a desolate planet in a remote binary star system. They plan to build a utopia, but when the yellow sun sets leaving only a blue sun above, a deep indigo shadow covers the colony. Local alien legend says the “Blue Hour” will spell evil and ruin for all who venture out of shelter. Can the colonists overcome this harsh environment and their own human nature to survive the “Blue Hour?”
Amid growing tensions among the colonists, the indigenous Maasym, and the colony security forces, an assassination attempt rocks the very fabric of Two-Sun Colony. The colonists struggle to find unity in the aftermath of the shocking attack.
Both the colonists and the Maasym struggle between peace and revenge in the aftermath of a brutal assassination. The path chosen could mean life or death for the colony.
The unity of Two-Sun colony is torn apart as both the colonists and the indigenous Maasym choose sides and prepare for an inevitable confrontation which could spell the end of the colonists’ dreams – or their very lives.
Blue Hour reaches its climactic conclusion, as open warfare breaks out between three factions among the human colonists and the Maasym. In a last desperate attempt to salvage the situation Wardell is forced to make the ultimate choice to prevent genocide or extinction.
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