Freitag, 25. Mai 2018

Terror Titans

They stood against the Teen Titans, and now the Terror Titans spin off into their own miniseries! Clock King hatches a plan for his team of teenage legacy villains, as well as their deadly new member - the Teen Titans' own Ravager! But if he's to succeed, Clock King must first stabilize the underground metahuman gladiator arena known as the Dark Side Club!

The Clock King begins staging tournament battles between the teen metas at the Dark Side Club, but this time the fighting's not just for entertainment - he has a far more sinister purpose in mind that not even the Terror Titans know about! And Ravager, drawn to the Clock King by their similar precognitive power, is doing nothing to interfere with his life-threatening machinations.

Dreadbolt faces a terrible decision, and his choice could elevate him in the Clock King's eyes-but at an unthinkable cost. Meanwhile, the tournament between teen metas continues, and the fate of the winners and losers becomes clearer as the Clock King's ultimate plan comes to light. Ravager's role in the plan also becomes clearer, and she is beginning to openly rebel. So, to sweeten the deal, she is granted the honor of fighting the Dark Side Club's hidden and true champion-one she could never have expected!

The hidden champion of the Dark Side club is revealed-Milestone's own Static, in his shocking introduction to the modern DC Universe! Since proving too powerful for the confines of the Club, Static has been kept under lock, key and heavy sedation in its basement cells. Now he's unleashed against Ravager as her ultimate test!

As the Terror Titans wrestle with the revelations brought about by Clock King's trials, one teen stands triumphant in the Dark Side Club tournament. The winner will lead Clock King's newly formed army to their first-and final-target.

It's the explosive finale! Clock King's final, twisted plan terrorizes Los Angeles. Can Ravager stop it? Will she even want to? What role will Static play? And when the dust settles, how will each of the Terror Titans feel about the Clock King, their team...and themselves?

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