Donnerstag, 17. Mai 2018

Mystery Girl

Trine Hampstead knows everything. Ask her a question like "Where are my keys?" or "Is he cheating on me?" or "How are there perfectly preserved mammoths in recent ice?" and she just knows. She's the Mystery Girl. The only thing Trine doesn't know is how she knows-or anything else from the last ten years of her life.

Trine knows the answer to any question, except how she knows it. But that's a mystery for later. The mystery for now concerns frozen mammoths in Siberia, and Trine, who never leaves London, wants to go see them herself. And close behind her is a killer who's targeted Trine for reasons even she doesn't know. 

While hot on the trail of the mysterious Siberian mammoths, Trine uncovers a much deadlier conundrum that surrounds a multibillion-dollar dynasty, their ill-gotten gains, and the shadowy hit squad who have Trine and her friends in their crosshairs!

Trine may be down for the count, but shes not out yet! Left for dead in a frozen Siberian wasteland, she has already solved the mystery of how to survivethe bad guys just dont know it yet. And when she gets back to London, one shadowy groups misdeeds will be brought to light. 

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