Donnerstag, 28. Juni 2018

Assassin's Creed - The Fall

ASSASSIN'S CREED: THE FALL follows 19th century Russian assassin Nikolai Orelov as he strives to claim an artifact of immense power from the hands of the Templars, leading to a climactic and violent showdown with the ruthless Tsar Alexander III aboard a speeding train! Meanwhile, in modern times, a troubled young drifter copes with unsettling visions of a possible past life – visions that have irreversible consequences for the present. 

Daniel Cross explores his mysterious past and his connection to the modern-day Order of Assassins. Meanwhile, his ancestor Nikolai Orelov prepares a dangerous siege on a Templar research station in remote Siberia – a mission that concludes with the awesome and devastating Tunguska Event!

The streets of Petrograd are filled with the color and noise of revolution – the Bolsheviks have taken control of the country, but there's still conflict within the ranks. Assassin Nikolai Orelov confronts the abdicated Tsar Nicholas II to learn the final location of the Staff. And in the present, Daniel Cross completes his pilgrimage to find the elusive Mentor of the Assassins, a quest that changes the Order forever...

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